The parish priest
"I just wanted to be a pastor. I regarded politics as a necessary evil in the life of a priest. But since politics may overturn altars, I was always of the opinion that by taking a firm stand we can avoid that political movements that are hostile to the Church and destroy societies take the power."
During his 25 years as parish priest, he kept writing articles about various topics. He regarded the Catholic press as an important instrument, thus his faithful were less exposed to political disinformation. He often protested against the government's social and property policy and against the propaganda of the national socialists and the Arrow Cross Party. In the 1930s, in order to ensure a harmonized defence against the dangers posed by the extreme right, he undertook to organize the National Policy Service (an organization led by Pál Teleki and devoid of party politics) in the south-west of Hungary.
In 1942, after István Horthy's election to vice governor, he launched a petition for the effective restoration of the kingdom that had become a mere formality. He considered himself a legitimist, and thought that a kingdom was not an obsolete institutional system but a system of traditions, religious and national values that are capable of renewal. During the persecution of the Jews, he regularly walked arm in arm with the rabbi living next to the parish building as a sign of silent protest