Gloria victis
Pope Pius XII greeted the released Cardinal in a telegram on 31 October 1956:
"With the same paternal spirit with which we felt bitter pain over your unjust removal from your archiepiscopal see and imprisonment eight years ago, we now feel comforted by the news that you have been released to the greatest joy of the Catholics of the whole world and of your county.
With a grateful heart, we thank God for having heard the unceasing prayer of his faithful and for having rendered your faith and your virtues precious and glorious with his grace amidst so much suffering for the sake of Christ. May this be an encouraging sign from Heaven."

"Admirably heroic actions are liberating our country. This has been a freedom fight that was unparalleled in the world. Our youth deserve all the glory. We give thanks to God and pray for the victims. Our soldiers, workers and farmers have shown a great example of our joint love for our country." (From József Mindszenty's radio appeal on 1 November 1956) Video »
After the repression of the war of independence, Pope Pius XII stated in his Encyclical letter published on 5 November that "the blood of the Hungarian people cries out to God!" Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini – who later became Pope Paul VI – held the cross of the subjugated Hungary in the candle-light procession at night in the streets of Milan to express the sympathy of the Italian people.